The Assignment
Burial mounds were located a few hours northeast of Sydund. Investigate what is there and document anything you find for the Records Guild. Clear out any undead so that a team of archaeologists can go in and study them.
Reward: 50gp/per person/per mound opened up and cleared.
Mission Summary
- Party headed out in the morning and met the captain at the Lighthouse for assignment instructions. They were introduced to Altath who would be joining.
- They teleported to the chamber that had already been entered. From there, they split up into two groups to try and cover more ground faster.
- Moira and DRACO found a sealed mound. Without the tools necessary to open, they opted to use a Mason’s hammer and Moira’s dagger to dig into one. Once inside, they found two slabs with skeletons draped in shrouds. There were two vases filled with coins and two bowls filled with coins.
- Altath and Svamp found a sealed mound. Without the tools necessary to open, they tried other methods to enter in but were unsuccessful.
- The party regrouped and DRACO sat down to create the tools necessary for the job.
- Meanwhile, the rest of the party went to a mound that had already been plundered. Inside, there were signs of a scuffle and one sarcophagus was broken into. Skeleton lying on the ground with a gold ring.
- Altath decided to open up a casket, which disturbed the dead inside. He went unconscious twice from the ensuing fight.
- Party decided to head back to Sydund to regroup, rest, and resupply.
Agents Assigned To This Mission
Altath Level 4
Open Hand Monk
Species: Dragonborn
Origin: Native
Background: Hermit
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 17
- DEX 12
- CON 14
- INT 9
- WIS 14
- CHA 11
DRACO Level 4
Armorer Artificer
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Inheritor
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 14
- DEX 12
- CON 14
- INT 16
- WIS 8
- CHA 10
Moira Level 5
Storm Sorcerer
Species: Half-Elf
Origin: Settler
Background: Urban Bounty Hunter
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 8
- DEX 10
- CON 13
- INT 12
- WIS 15
- CHA 14