Burial Mounds Investigations, Part 1 – Agents of B.E.A.R.D. 026
This episode was brought to you buy our Bearded Frens on Patreon, like Joe, Bart, and Sir Vyper.
This episode was brought to you buy our Bearded Frens on Patreon, like Joe, Bart, and Sir Vyper.
Burial mounds were located a few hours northeast of Sydund. Investigate what is there and document anything you find for the Records Guild. Clear out any undead so that a team of archaeologists can go in and study them.
Reward: 50gp/per person/per mound opened up and cleared.
Species: Dragonborn
Origin: Native
Background: Hermit
Stationed In: Sydund
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Inheritor
Stationed In: Sydund
Species: Half-Elf
Origin: Settler
Background: Urban Bounty Hunter
Stationed In: Sydund