The Assignment
While on a mission to collect plant life on Storm Island, DRACO, Zilis, Salix, and Svamp find a massive tree, where a river diverges sending water down a fall into an underground cave system. After seeing a strange blob head down through the falls, leaving a trail of slime, they decide to follow it and see what it is.
Mission Summary
- The party continues to delve into the depths of an underground cave, led by DRACO’s inadvertent collection of mysterious crystals, triggering a panic attack due to his past trauma.
- After the previous session’s chaos, the party uncovers a hidden wooden trapdoor under a stone block on the island, revealing a pouch of ancient coins, sparking curiosity and further intrigue. Svamp had her animated zombie friend carry it. They rested on the island and conversed about the situation some more and the party showed their support for DRACO. Rested and reassured, they headed to the shore, stole the old lady’s boat, and headed back down the river.
- Laughter and splashing from an unseen source could be heard from where they had first been a little over an hour ago. They rowed the boat closer and found that the shore was filled with large frogs and happy halflings swimming in the river.
- The frogs let them pass per Zilis’s Emisary of the Seas request. The halflings invited them to come swim, but they declined. They decided to continue on the slime trail.
- Salix could sense something was present. He asked using Druidic permission to enter. A voice responded telepathically saying it didn’t understand, but they were welcomed.
- Inside, they found an aggressive looking drake. Zilis and DRACO immediately attacked. Svamp, further in, found 2 more drakes and one very large dragon-like drake. She told the party to leave.
Agents Assigned To This Mission
DRACO Level 4
Armorer Artificer
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Inheritor
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 14
- DEX 12
- CON 14
- INT 16
- WIS 8
- CHA 10
Salix Level 4
Land Druid
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Soldier
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 10
- DEX 14
- CON 8
- INT 12
- WIS 16
- CHA 13
Svamp Plochsvepier Level 5
Spores Druid
Species: Firbolg
Origin: Native
Background: Outlander
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 13
- DEX 8
- CON 15
- INT 11
- WIS 15
- CHA 12