The Assignment
The party is tasked with heading to Storm Island to collect large jungle plants so that the sages of Sydund can continue to search for a self-sustaining source of fresh water. Draco was also tasked by the Merchant’s Guild to collect more quartz from the cave in hopes it can be used to fix Salix, as well as be used to repair and build other warforged.
Mission Summary
- The party hired the help of two retainers: a cartographer as well as an herbalist to help them map out the island and identify the plants they find.
- On the island, they find Fire Lilies: red flowers that smell like smoke. After Svamp talks with them, she collects a few.
- They then find a river flowing from the mountains to the east. From a hill side, also see the top of a very tall tree. Once they reach the river, they find an assortment of plant life as well as tracks.
- From the plants, they locate a Golden Orchid, bright yellow with a slightly waxy leaf. The golden orchid is wrapped in a Moonvine, has large white flowers that seem to be closed, but open at night. Another orchid they find is Spiky, vibrant pink color, but covered in thorns. Also located Bamboo, but this has a golden hue to it.
- Following the river and tracks, they locate an old camp site and signs of a fight. They definitely find footprints of Knoll, but unsure of the others. Following those tracks, the sound of the river gets louder, so they think they’re possibly approaching a waterfall.
- They continue to follow the river and find what appears to be a fortified village, with the large tree closely behind it. The party suspects it belongs to the Knolls. DRACO sends out his Roc to alert them of danger. The village is empty. Entering in, there are 4 buildings and wood supplies to continue building. Salix noticed that the ground on either side of the supplies in the center seemed strange. Maybe traps. Salix also hears sounds coming from the south.
- Roc comes flying and squawking. An arrow shoots across the sky just barely missing. A pack of knolls approach ready for a fight.
Agents Assigned To This Mission
DRACO Level 4
Armorer Artificer
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Inheritor
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 14
- DEX 12
- CON 14
- INT 16
- WIS 8
- CHA 10
Salix Level 4
Land Druid
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Soldier
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 10
- DEX 14
- CON 8
- INT 12
- WIS 16
- CHA 13
Svamp Plochsvepier Level 5
Spores Druid
Species: Firbolg
Origin: Native
Background: Outlander
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 13
- DEX 8
- CON 15
- INT 11
- WIS 15
- CHA 12