Sweet Child, Old Mine – Agents of B.E.A.R.D. 002
This episode was brought to you buy our Bearded Frens on Patreon, like Joe, Bart, and Sir Vyper.
This episode was brought to you buy our Bearded Frens on Patreon, like Joe, Bart, and Sir Vyper.
You’ll be sent through Copper Crossing, to meet with a farmer who sent his two sons off into the hills to go hunting. One was 8, the other 16. The youngest had just reached adulthood and this was his first adventure out without his parents around. Unfortunately, neither has come back. They headed out in the morning, didn’t return by nightfall, and it was reported the next morning. They fear the worst, but hope you can return both back home safely.
Reward: Each will receive 50gp (10gp total from the lower class farmer, the rest from the guild), a health potion, and a few days of rations from the Adventurer’s Guild.
Species: Hill Dwarf
Origin: Settler
Background: Outlander
Stationed In: Whitmor
Species: Crystal Gem Dragonborn
Origin: Native
Background: Far Traveler
Stationed In: Whitmor