The Assignment

Escort the NEW new mayor of Crystal Head, Gardain Strongheart from Hovedstad to his new home south of Whitmor. Keep an eye out for Red Knives and Shifters.

Reward: 500gp/per

Mission Summary

  • The party started from Hovedstad and joined a caravan of 4 other groups: a family of Dwarves, a group of 5 merchants and their two hired guards, Aerdeth (Gemcutters Association) and the High Alchemist, and a male gnome.
  • During the first leg of the journey, the party learned more about the new mayor and Wisp spoke with the single gnome: Jabble Welber. Seems to be a wanderer with no real destination. Doesn’t have much, as far as belongs go.
  • They arrived in Golden Grove where they had lunch. Afterwards, the new mayor went to the Mayor’s Office in Golden Grove to negotate trade deals and rub elbows. Wisp talked more with Jabble Welber, as she found him apparently practicing conjuration magic.
  • The party spent the rest of the day resting and watching the Mayor’s Office, just in case anything happened. Once night time hit, they began to hear a soft drone, almost as if the wind was passing through, but no wind was felt.
  • The party saw Jabble venturing alone in the woods. Seemingly to investigate where the sound was coming from. Wisp followed, and together, they found an old structure in the woods about 15-minutes from the center of town.

Agents Assigned To This Mission

The Gamer Hobbit

Khalgrim Level 5
Rune Knight Fighter

Species: Hill Dwarf

Origin: Settler

Background: Outlander

Stationed In: Whitmor

  • STR 14
  • DEX 15
  • CON 11
  • INT 11
  • WIS 14
  • CHA 12


Vels Kell Level 5
GOO Warlock, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer

Species: Crystal Gem Dragonborn

Origin: Native

Background: Far Traveler

Stationed In: Whitmor

  • STR 10
  • DEX 12
  • CON 14
  • INT 12
  • WIS 14
  • CHA 18


Wisp Ithruen Level 5
Dreams Druid

Species: Wood Elf

Origin: Native

Background: Hermit

Stationed In: Whitmor

  • STR 10
  • DEX 15
  • CON 14
  • INT 12
  • WIS 19
  • CHA 8