The Assignment
In this session, we pick back up with the Adventurers in Sydund. Svamp, Moira, Salix, Shinichi, and DRACO head back to the burial mounds after taking out the Cadaver Collector to see what else was happening inside of this underground tomb.
Mission Summary
- After the party reported back into the Adventurers Guild in Sydund, the party heads back out to the mounds to see what was in this mysterious dungeon, once protected by the Cadaver Collector.
- As they opened up the doors to the rest of this underground structure, they saw body parts and blood stains on the ground. They also heard the sounds of groaning, likely undead. Svamp went inside found undead and began to attack.
- In the next room, on one side of the hall they found living quarters, but no signs of anyone still around. On the other side, there were broken chains, which seemed to hold a very large creature, and the remains of many dead. In the living quarters, Moira found some supplies as well as a note addressed to Val (murderer from Hovedstad). Instructed her to avoid the beast, but study it and get sigils from Jackie to use the ring for travel. It was signed by “K”.
- There are tracks, a body, and signs of a confrontation. Salix thought they had been left like this about 10 days ago. Searching the body, he found a Ring of Teleportation as well a note that showed 3 sets of sigils for teleportation circles. 2 they recognized, 1 they did not. Also had a key, which appeared ornate.
- Svamp explored another room and found two dead bodies. Moira definitely saw signs of a fight of some kind. Internal damage. Maybe they had entered the room to escape, but died because of wounds. Likely magical. Bodies were nibbled on by rats.
- In a storage room, Draco encountered large rats, which he immediately cast shatter upon destroying them and anything else that may have been in here.
- Salix found a workroom with gemcutter’s tools as well as a gemcutter’s guide book with “Cara Goblinfin of Hovedstad” written on the inside cover. Also found a journal that included a sketch of a large, red creature. Svamp and Moira recognized it as a Star Spawn Hulk, which they encountered in Jagged Grove. Likely, it was the creature that was imprisoned here and escaped.
- They located another entrance, but whatever the large creature was had escaped up into another mound and out into the desert.
Agents Assigned To This Mission
DRACO Level 4
Armorer Artificer
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Inheritor
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 14
- DEX 12
- CON 14
- INT 16
- WIS 8
- CHA 10
Moira Level 5
Storm Sorcerer
Species: Half-Elf
Origin: Settler
Background: Urban Bounty Hunter
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 8
- DEX 10
- CON 13
- INT 12
- WIS 15
- CHA 14
Salix Level 4
Land Druid
Species: Warforged
Origin: Settler
Background: Soldier
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 10
- DEX 14
- CON 8
- INT 12
- WIS 16
- CHA 13

Shinichi Level 5
Glamour Bard
Species: Half-Elf
Origin: Settler
Background: Entertainer
Stationed In: Sydund
- STR 10
- DEX 14
- CON 12
- INT 13
- WIS 9
- CHA 16