The Assignment
Escort the NEW new mayor of Crystal Head, Gardain Strongheart from Hovedstad to his new home south of Whitmor. Keep an eye out for Red Knives and Shifters.
Reward: 500gp/per
Mission Summary
- The party ended in Golden Grove last session, where a mysterious glass dome was discovered in the woods a mile outside of downtown. They were investigating the wind-like sound coming from that direction when they found it. They also located a well in the same area, which seemed to be where the source of the sound was coming from.
- Exploring the glass dome, they were able to activate a magic door by clearing a path and waiting for the moonlight to hit a mozaic in the floor.
- Under the mozaic was a spiral staircase, which lead into a dungeon that housed 3 bells. When struck at the same time, it played a beautiful sounding chord.
- Exploring further into the dungeon, they located a small library which housed wall to wall shelves of books. It appeared that skeletons were documenting all of the deaths and births that occurred on the continent.
- Unfortunately, it seemed that ringing the bells caused the skeletons to become hostile, as well as cave in one of the hallways. Skeletons were dispatched, but there might be more down there to explore.
Agents Assigned To This Mission
Khalgrim Level 5
Rune Knight Fighter
Species: Hill Dwarf
Origin: Settler
Background: Outlander
Stationed In: Whitmor
- STR 14
- DEX 15
- CON 11
- INT 11
- WIS 14
- CHA 12
Vels Kell Level 5
GOO Warlock, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Species: Crystal Gem Dragonborn
Origin: Native
Background: Far Traveler
Stationed In: Whitmor
- STR 10
- DEX 12
- CON 14
- INT 12
- WIS 14
- CHA 18